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Big G's Bar-B-Que

BIG G'S BBQ is the MILE HIGH CITIES rising star in BBQ. With years of experience combining Texas & Midwest styles to create a NEW MILE HIGH STANDARD!

Bar-B-Que Food Trailer


Montbello Alive Event


Montbello High School

5000 Crown Blvd 

Denver,CO 80239


Saturday, September 26th, 2020

      5PM - 9PM



Treat Yourself

home of the milehighmonster.jpg

It all started with my first job chopping onions at my mothers restaurant. Many of you know it as Zona's Tamales also known as the Pig Ear Stand. Coming from a large family of 13 siblings we all had to know how to feed ourselves. Which is needless to say Cooking was always a big part of my life and my family. 

Every 4th of July I would have a big bar-b-que inviting all of my family and friends. At my last  bar-b-que I was told I should go into business for my self. So that is just what I did. In 2014 I started Big G's Bar-B-que. Now hoping the rest will be history.




Who We Are


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